Your vision is much more than 20/20 vision! Eye exams are much more than just glasses and blurry vision. Your eyes can reveal a lot more beyond eyeglasses or contact lens prescription. Eye exams are vital to your overall health. As we age, we are more at risk of developing eye diseases or conditions that can affect our overall health. Serious health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure are often first detected during an eye exam. Our eye care provider will test for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes are functioning together, and more. Here are some of the areas you can expect to be evaluated at your exam:
- Visual acuity & glasses prescription
- Eye muscle teaming, focusing, alignment, and fine motor control
- Visual field testing
- Pupillary reaction
- Eye pressure to test for glaucoma
- Corneal & Conjunctival evaluation for dryness, allergies, infection, or inflammation
- Evaluation of the optic nerve, macula, blood vessels, and retinal attachments
How often should I get a comprehensive eye exam?
- It is recommended to schedule a comprehensive eye exam once a year. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends children have their eyes examined at 6 months old, three years old, at the start of school, and every two years until age 18. For adults, the AOA recommends a comprehensive eye exam every two years for ages 18 to 60 at minimum and annual exams for seniors age 61 and older.